Crypto Whale - Blockchain Transaction Data.
The most trustworthy independent blockchain analytics company in the ecosystem. Founded in 2018 and followed by millions of blockchain enthusiasts looking for valuable actionable data.
  • Track the entire Ethereum or Binance networks with a single alert.
  • Instantly learn when whales and exchanges move their funds.
  • Get notified via push notification, telegram, slack, discord, or even a phone call for urgent events.
Google Chrome Store Add to Chrome
Trusted by 68,378+ users
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    We run our own Google Chrome Store BTC and Google Chrome Store ETH nodes. which means we're plugged directly into the blockchain.

    Take these simple steps to browse on Google Chrome safely.

    1 Step
    Open extension store

    Go to the extension store by clicking on the button below.

    2 Step
    Install the extension

    Install the extension in the official Google Chrome store.

    3 Step
    Open the extension

    Open the extension and wait for transaction notifications.

    Your all-in-one toolkit
    Monitor the entire crypto space. Track BTC dominance, the global crypto marketcap mempool size fluctuations, stablecoin volatility and more.
    Alertable on-chain activity
    Track overall network health of the BTC & ETH blockchains with this completely unique product.